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Job interview tips

what not to say in a job interview

what not to say in a job interview

The most effective way to ensure you enter a job interview confidently is to prepare beforehand. By preparing, you can be confident in ability to answer any questions. Doing so well will enable you to how your skills, knowledge and experience make you the best person for the role. Believe or not, this can make the job interview one of the most enjoyable parts of the job search process.

Preparing for your interview

Preparing for your job interview is the key to success. Make sure you can explain everything you have included in your and . This should include and explanations of your experience. Be clear about why you want the job and why you want to for the organisation. Do as much research about the company or business as you can. Visit the company’s website to find out about what they do and their mission or vision statements. Consider how you would go about answering some of the most commonly asked questions. But don’t write a script as you may forget or not sound natural. Some common interview questions are:

During the interview

You may be interviewed by one or two people, or by a panel. Ask the person who notifies you of your interview time who will be interviewing you. This way you can be prepared.

And remember to do the following:

If you’re not sure about a question the interviewer has asked, ask them to explain it. Sometimes it’s helpful to note down the various parts of a complex question. Give answers relevant to the job. And use this opportunity to highlight why you’re the best person for it.

The interview is not a time for:

After the formal questions, you will be asked if you have any questions of your own. Always have at least one question . A good question could be about a special project you noted on their website. This will show you’ve done some research. Other questions could be about:

There is no set number of questions, but generally allow five minutes for your questions to be answered. Other candidates may be waiting for an interview, so keeping to time is important.

It’s a good idea to send a follow-up email thanking the employer for the interview. This does lead to job offers. Sending a thank-you email shows that you’re polite and considerate. This might be the difference between you and another candidate.

If you don’t get the job you’ve been interviewed for, ask for feedback to help you improve your interview performance. Ask questions like:

Searching for a job takes time and patience. Talk to friends who have found work and ask them what they did. Or talk to people employed in industries that interest you about how they got their job.

Proper preparation will help reduce some stress involved in job interviews. And the more you prepare, the more comfortable and successful you’re likely to be.

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