Creative CV
his Creative CV is modern and very nice to look at. It immediately gives the impression that you have a great communicator candidate on hand. The bubble system that connects each icon gives the message to the recruiter that the candidate is a very effective one. The color used is a sober one that lets the content be clear and originally structured. The person photo location gives the idea of a dynamic profile. The sliders at the bottom are a great visual addition to the skills and expertises. This resume is great for all communication, relationship and marketing job types. Use it for all your personal and professional needs.
Fantastically Creative Resume and CV Example
A creative resume or curriculum vitae is one document you can’t skimp on. This is true for everyone, but especially for designers and other creative professionals. When applying for a job, the first impression you create is strong and longest-lasting. The same is true when making contact with a new potential client. That first impression has to help you stand out from your competitors. Most of the time, that first impression is made via an online application, your website, an email, or even through social media. Hopefully, you already have a strong portfolio website, either a personal portfolio or your freelance business site. And hopefully, your social media presence continue your personal or business brand look and feel. But what about your resume?
job applications ask applicants to attach a CV or a
Most job applications ask applicants to attach a CV or a resume. And after initial, brief research on your website or social media accounts, a prospective client will often ask for a CV if they don’t find the information they need or if they need to present a list of freelancers to their boss. As such, no matter if you’re searching for a job or trying to land new clients, your resume design could be what differentiates you from a competitor with similar skills and level of experience. The right kind of creative resume truly reflects the character, experience, and similar things in an expressive way. The following are some excellent creative resume and CV examples to help get ideas flowing for your own resume design. Notice that some tend to remain more straightforward