simple yet stylish, the resume template will help you get noticed while showing employers that you are serious about the role.
Our resume template is stylish and colorful enough to help your resume stand out, yet simple and professional enough to show the hiring manager that you’re serious about the role.
With its large text to highlight your name and professional title, the Cosmopolitan is a perfect resume template to use when submitting a job application in a wide variety of industries — everything from art to retail and sales positions
Use a simple and easy-to-read structure for your CV
As we have mentioned before, it is important that your CV is easy to read, which you achieve with the right structure. With the right structure, the employer can first of all quickly read through your CV. But the employer can also quickly find back to the most important parts of your CV at a later time if the CV follows the guidelines that apply to a correctly structured CV.
Contact information – Your contact information must be easily accessible so that the employer can quickly contact you if you are interested. Therefore, it is good to be as high up in the CV as possible. Contact information is name, email address and telephone number, but you can also add a link to your Linked IN profile or a portfolio website if you have one.
Work experience – Bring jobs, internships, trainee positions, summer jobs and other things that can show that you have the work experience required to get the job you are looking for. If you do not have work experience, you can include other examples that show that you have good communication skills and a high work ethic.
Educations – Write the name of the school and the name of the education. If it is relevant to the job you are looking for, you can write a short description, on one or a few lines, where you compile what you have learned. If you have a higher education and are looking for a senior role, you do not need to bring your primary school.
Personal information (short about me) – You can add a short paragraph where you introduce yourself and describe your life situation very briefly to give the CV a more personal touch.
Knowledge – You can highlight your special knowledge in a clear way by pointing them out in a section of your CV called knowledge.
Summary – Write a short summary about your career and where you want to be in the future so that the employer has some context for why you are looking for the job. This can also be seen as a short presentation of your cover letter. You can thus use your summary to already in your CV be able to create an interest in the employer to want to read more about you in the cover letter.
Choose the right format for you