Free Microsoft Word Resume Template That’ll Land You the Job
When it comes to resumes, presentation is just as important as the skills and experience that the resume itself spells out. Trying to design a resume from scratch can be a challenge, especially with few design skills. Need a little help? Check out these 51 free (yes, FREE!) Microsoft Word resume templates that you can easily download to your computer, edit to include your experience, and hand in with your next job application. No recruiter or hiring manager will be able to say no. Can’t wait to view them one by one? We’ve put together a selection of the best free resume templates in one easy download below.
Why use a resume template?
Resume templates are handy tools for job seekers for a number of reasons. Firstly, it allows you to spend more time polishing up the content instead of worrying about the layout and design.
Secondly, it gives first-time job applicants a better idea of how much to write and the sections to focus on. This also applies if you’ve been out of the job market for a while and haven’t had to edit your resume recently.
Before you sprint ahead to the templates, here are some resume dos and don’ts you should know.
How to optimize your resume for ATS
If you’re applying for a job, there is a very high chance that the resume will first be seen by some software before it makes its way to a pair of human eyes. This software is called an Applicant Tracking System and it sorts, scans, and ranks job applications that come through to a recruiter or employer. ATS helps recruiters filter through candidates by scanning for relevant information and keywords in an application. Writing a resume that is ATS optimized is imperative, as you could potentially miss out on opportunities even if you’re qualified.