Free Modern German CV Download Kreativer Lebenslauf
Ein kreativer CV in Form einer Infografik wird gewünscht? Mit Word lässt sich der kreative Lebenslauf ganz einfach individualisieren.
aving a good curriculum vitae (CV, or Lebenslauf in German) is quite probably the most important step in finding a job in Germany. However, there are some small but crucial differences you need to be aware of when writing your CV. Getting it right, by formatting your resume in a style German employers will recognise, gives you the best chance of landing an interview. Useful websites for writing CVs in Germany Follow these links to find more hints and tips on applying for jobs in Germany, CV templates and more:
Lebenslauf is the official German term used to describe a curriculum vitae, more commonly known as a CV. As you may know, German people like things being done their way. The German CV is thus written in a very efficient yet different manner to what you’d see in other countries. If you follow a few rules you will be able to make the perfect Lebenslauf in no time.