If you are looking for a job in France or in a French company, you will need a French CV. However, writing a CV in French can be trickier than creating a CV in English. You will also want to speak French fluently at a professional level, but what else should you keep in mind? Does a French CV differ in structure, format and content from an English CV? Which sections should you include and which can you leave out? Here are a few tips.
Showing your French skills on your CV can be good for language-related jobs.
And you know what? Sending your CV in French is more attractive, even required in most cases!
Since there are many websites and resources that show you how to write a good CV in English format, today’s article will focus on its English content (content.)
Keep in mind that writing your CV in French is more than translating it, and a French CV is not necessarily presented in the same way as in other countries.
You should also know that although the word CV itself is originally French, it is a “false cognate”: the French actually say “un CV” or “un curriculum vitae”, where the word CV means only “summary” in French!